Introduction and Background

Introduction and Background

This website is an archive for Pen Lister, filled with lots of blogposts and other written records of work and play.

After a decade or more as a lecturer in Multimedia and senior lecturer in Technology Enhanced Learning at the large New University London Met in London UK, I emigrated in 2015 to the Mediterranean Island of Malta, and in 2016 embarked on a full time PhD in emerging technologies with real world informal learning activities, at the University of Malta. I completed in 2021, though it probably would have been sooner but for Covid and World Shutdown.

In between publishing a variety of academic papers and presenting every year at the Human Computer Interaction conference, I've spent the past three years working part time as an RSO 3 for an Erasmus knowledge transfer project based at University of Malta. The project mainly concerned the implementation of Moodle and related institutional technology to enable distance learning delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and the introduction of new pedagogical approaches for effective learning online. Courses involved were already validated for face-to-face delivery, so another consideration was revalidating with an adapted delivery for distance learning. It has been a rewarding experience to be reminded of some of the core challenges at the heart of digital learning and how people react to the sometimes radical changes involved in learning and teaching online.

  • I have a selection of my papers and chapters available on this site, under 'Academic Papers'.

  • For more of my professional background, check out my resume page, publications record on Orcid and current CV.

My blogging and technical work also have their home here. I tend to include think pieces about current issues in technology and society, but there are also plenty of pieces about my trials and successes in webdev alongside academically orientated notes. At the moment I'm very interested in PhP flat file and static website generators, and have built the Grav/Twig website that you are now viewing, plus a GitHub Pages website using Jekyll/Liquid site generation. In addition, I run my own Moodle instance as a sandbox playground, it's currently updated to v4.3.3.

My next web development will be to potentially convert the Grav site to Hugo/Eleventy, as that really is the current flavour for static site frameworks. I'm also setting up Laravel on localhost so I can install Bookstacks and Pressbooks, enabling self publishing of books or other materials with nice design and efficient digital layouts. I'm really looking forward to that :)

I'm currently involved in AI ethics work, and am very interested to become more involved in Next Generation Internet and the open social web. My research interests are focused on citizen learning in open smart future cities, semantic web and the knowledge commons.

Thanks for reading. To get in touch, message via Facebook Messenger, or if you're on Mastodon, use Dr Pen to leave me a comment.

Confucius say: "Remember, future of internet is your own website, your own content: profile, data and information"